Left Handed Guitarists

If like me you’re left handed, you’ll know what a challenge it can be operating equipment or using things as simple as tin openers and cheque books which are designed for the majority of the population who are right handed. If you’ve ever tried to learn to knit or play an instrument it becomes even tougher, as your two options are to do things with the “wrong” hand, or try to work back to front or upside down. Despite these drawbacks, lefties can and do make a successful career playing the guitar and some of the most famous guitarists in the world play left-handed. Continue reading

5 Jobs You Will Need a Wood Plane For

If you are new to woodwork and DIY then it can be hard to work out what is absolutely essential and what tools you can do without, or hire when you need them. Every tool kit should contain the basic screwdrivers, hammers and a saw or two but what about more specialised tools like planes or workbenches? There are many good reasons to buy a woodworking plane though, as they can be used for more jobs than you may think. Continue reading

Inventing Your Own Sports


As a child I was lucky enough to have a large garden which I rapidly turned into an adventure playground to be proud of. I was always a thrill seeker but my family lacked the funds to set me up in motor sport or to buy me a horse and so I had to create my own exciting activities in the garden. Looking back some of my efforts were pretty impressive and I could make a good argument for them becoming mainstream sports. Continue reading

Knitting Inspiration from Pinterest

DIY mania is currently taking the world by storm. People, squeezed by financial pressures, are turning to learning, using new DIY skills to save money and create their own goodies. For years now knitters have been doing the same. They haven’t because of financial pressures though, but because of the love of creating something special and unique with their bare hands. It’s this idea of uniqueness coupled with a close knit community (no pun intended!) that drives knitters to continuously be more daring in their designs.

Below are a few examples of some fabulous things people are knitting right now, being shared across social media from knitter to knitter!

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The Coldest Football Match Ever

I have attended hundreds of football matches over the years and travelled to several countries to do it and so have experienced most of the atrocities that the weather can throw at the football supporter. I have been variously extremely hot, sun burnt, soaked to the skin and pelted with hail stones but nothing compared to one match that I was stupid enough to turn up for in 1997. Continue reading

What to Look Out For in a Great Pair of Motocross Gloves

One of the essential pieces of kit for motocross is a pair of gloves. In the world of motocross, gloves aren’t about keeping your hands warm, they are much more about safety and protecting your hands from injury. They can also be quite a fashion statement. When you start surfing online or browsing through the shops for that perfect pair of gloves, you’ll be amazed by the variety of different types and brands on the market. Continue reading

Collectable Crazes (or Crazies?)

Hands up who remembers ranges like Sylvanian Families, or those sticker albums and packs of stickers which seemed to always contain the same stickers over and over? Kids love to collect things and marketers latch onto this by producing ranges designed to appeal to kids and to parents who remember the buzz of collecting from their childhood. Continue reading

Essential Equipment for Motocross

Motocross is an exciting high octane sport which it is fun to participate in but it can be extremely hazardous and newcomers to the sport must ensure that they are properly equipped. The sport is not cheap and as cutting corners with your equipment can lead to disaster, think carefully about whether you have the resources to take part safely. If you think the sport could be for you here is what you will need to get started. Continue reading

How to be a Perfectly Pushy Parent

The media speak about a pushy parent as if they are something to avoid or be afraid of. There is certainly the lunatic fringe of the pushy parent brigade, the sort who put their children into those awful beauty contests or force them into learning Mandarin when they’d rather be watching Peppa Pig. Most of us who are proud to call ourselves pushy parents just want the best for our kids, and that they achieve their full potential. Being pushy can start from babyhood and is mostly about helping them with activities which will develop skills they need for later life. Continue reading

Hobbies on a Budget

It seems tougher and tougher to find a hobby or past time that doesn’t cost a lot to keep going. Many activities can be expensive, and tough to follow when keeping your eye on a budget. There are lots of alternatives, however, and you can find a past time to suit you without breaking the bank. Here are a few suggestions that might be suited to what you’re looking for. Continue reading